Bites + Sips at W Aspen


Embark on a culinary journey at W Aspen, an all-hours destination where every dining experience is a distinct fusion of creativity, flavor, and style. Indulge in elevated alpine cuisine and curated cocktails at 39 Degrees, our signature restaurant offering a blend of vibrant indoor and outdoor seating. Discover WET Deck, our year-round Rooftop bar, where the cocktails are refreshing, the scene is always on, and the 360-degree views are unforgettable. Wind down in Ponyboy, Aspen’s hottest late-night speakeasy fueled by DJ sets and inspired cocktail culture. End the evening in style with our round-the-clock In-Room Dining experience, because at W Aspen, dining is an immersive adventure.

The Sky Residences at W Aspen - Nightly Rentals
Lay your head in the clouds and experience the unique offerings from our 11 luxury Residences. Stay and play with two and three bedroom configurations, luxurious living spaces and full kitchens, spectacular private rooftop lounge with panoramic Aspen Mountain views. Year round for nightly rentals.
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At This Hotel

39 Degrees at W Aspen



A vibrant indoor + outdoor restaurant with sophisticated,bold designs inspired by Aspen’s retro past. Unwind over signature cocktails, savor an intimate dinner, or transition from day to night fueled by live DJ sets.

7:00 AM-10:00 PM
In-Room Dining - EWOW

In-Room Dining


Enjoy culinary excellence from the comfort of your guest room and indulge in the convenience of In-Room Dining, available 24 hours a day. Whether it’s breakfast in bed or a midnight snack, simply call Whatever/ Whenever.

Open 24/7
WET Deck Lounge


Escape to the Rooftop WET® Deck and experience Aspen’s most vibrant year-round outdoor scene. Indulge in specially curated bites and cocktails while enjoying the heated pool, hot tub, multiple fire pits, and 360-degree views of the Colorado Rockies.

1:00 PM-5:00 PM

GROTTO (PonyBoy Pop Up)

Located in the Hotel's Grotto on the lobby level, Ponyboy is a cocktail-forward bar from New York City. Sip on meticulously crafted cocktails amidst a lively backdrop set by the local and international DJs in Aspen's premiere late-night speakeasy.

8:00 PM-2:00 AM


Big Wrap

0.1 Miles

Wraps and sandwiches ready to fuel your mountain adventures.

0.1 Miles


0.1 Miles

JÜS Aspen

0.2 Miles

Fresh-pressed juices, milks, smoothies, hand-crafted breakfast + lunch items, and satisfying snacks.
White House Tavern

0.3 Miles

Dine on elevated sandwiches, burgers and more in this intimate American restaurant.

0.3 Miles

Enjoy delicious cocktails, sushi and other Japanese fare in this lively and welcoming restaurant.
Mi Chola

0.5 Miles

Serving up modern Mexican cuisine and expertly crafted cocktails in the heart of Aspen.
Pyramid Bistro

1.0 Miles

A nutritional restaurant leaving you wanting for more.

Frequently Asked Questions