Residence Inn Gravenhurst Muskoka Wharf

Welcome to Residence Inn Gravenhurst Muskoka Wharf

Take in the views from our Gravenhurst hotel

Upgrade Your Stay
Treat yourself to an upgrade during your next visit! Enjoy the comforts of home while you’re on the road in one of our beautifully-appointed suites, including a full kitchen, dining area and living room. Cozy up to the fireplace when you stay in our one and two-bedroom suites.
Learn More
Stay in touch with family during extended stays in Gravenhurst using our hotel's free Wi-Fi
Prepare meals in your accommodation's kitchenette, which includes a dishwasher, fridge and stove top
Feel at home in Ontario with in-room amenities like flat-screen TVs, work desks and ergonomic chairs
Look out over beautiful Lake Muskoka from your hotel accommodation's balcony or outdoor terrace
Reserve a one- or two-bedroom suite in Gravenhurst for additional amenities like a cozy fireplace
All our Ontario hotel guests receive a complimentary breakfast every morning

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Please note: all room sizes are approximate.

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